- S. Aksenov (Kirensky Inst. of Phys.)
A Fano resonance in transport characteristics of 1D atomic spin structures
- M. Arifullin (Orenburg Univ.)
Multispin entanglement in fermion systems
- S. Bakurskiy (Moscow State Univ.)
Josephson φ-device concept based on complex nanostructures with normal metal/ferromagnet bilayer
- A. Burmistrova (Moscow State Univ.)
Calculation of the normal and the superconducting current in heterostructures with superconducting pnictide
- M. Delbecq (ENS)
Coupling a quantum dot, fermionic leads and a cavity on chip
- M. Denisenko (Nizhny Novg. State Univ.)
Single-shot measurements simulation in Josephson qubits coupled to a bosonic bath
- I. Devyatov (Moscow State Univ.)
- M. Diez (Leiden Univ.)
- D. Efimkin (Inst. of Spectroscopy)
Cooper pair fluctuations in the system of spatially separated electrons and holes
- K. Fedorov (KIT)
Measurements of single fluxon radiation spectra in annular Josephson junctions
- O. Gamayun (Bogolubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Y. Gerasimenko (Lebedev Phys. Inst.)
Disorder-tuned Transition from Bulk through Filamentary Superconductivity to AF insulator in Q1D metal
- T. Golikova (ISSP RAS)
Coherent transport in hybrid planar S/N and S/NF structures
- V. Gurtovoi (Inst. of Microelect. Tech.)
A new superconducting interferometer as a detector of quantum states
- D. Heim (Ulm Univ.)
Concept of tunable qubit based on a molecule of two fractional Josephson vortices
- K. Hovhannisyan (Alikhanyan NSL)
Thermodynamics of enhanced heat transfer: a model study
- S. Kafanov (RIKEN)
Transport measurements of coherent quantum phase slips.
- D. Kalok (Weizmann Inst.)
Search for hyper-activation in the insulating side of the superconductor-insulator transition in Indium Oxide
- P. Karpov ( MISIS)
- A. Katanin (Inst. of Metal Phys.)
- I. Khaymovich (IPM RAS)
Vortex core states in 2D electron system with proximity induced superconductivity
- E. Koenig (KIT)
Interaction and disorder effects in 3D topological insulator thin films
- O. Kotov (MIPT)
Electromagnetic wave in graphene at the interface between two dielectric media
- T. Krishtop (IRE RAS)
Linear temperature dependence of quantum contact conductance as a consequence of electron scattering by the Friedel oscillations
- A. Kuntsevich (Lebedev Phys. Inst.)
Indication of a ferromagnetic 2D droplet state
- M. Mahmoodian (Rzhanov Inst. of Semicond. Phys. )
- P. Maksimov (MIPT)
- S. Mironov (IPM RAS)
Anisotropy of fluctuation conductivity near the onset of localized superconductivity
- D. Miserev (Novosibirsk State Univ.)
Electron States in Graphene with One-dimensional Potential Barriers and Wells: Exact and Approximate Results
- R. Morari (Inst. of Elect. Eng. and Nanotech.)
- L. Morgun (Lebedev Phys. Inst.)
Anomaly in temperature dependence of magnetoresistance for dilute 2DEG in high mobility Si-MOSFET
- A. Mostovov (SEA Saclay)
- A. Pankratov (IPM RAS)
Fluctuational effects in Josephson junctions
- W. Pogosov (Inst. for Theor. and Appl. Electrodyn.)
'Probabilistic' approach to Richardson equations
- S. Postolova (Rzhanov Inst. of Semicond. Phys.)
Superconducting fluctuations and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in ultrathin TiN films
- M. Prokudina (ISSP RAS)
Energy relaxation between the electrons of counter propagating edge channels in quantum Hall effect regime
- C. Quay (Orsay)
- L. Revin (IPM RAS)
Spectral and power properties of long Josephson junctions as a source of broadband noise radiation
- Y. Rodionov (Inst. for Theor. and Appl. Electrodyn.)
Non-linear dissipation in a strongly blockaded Single Electron Box
- D. Savinov (IPM RAS)
Hybridization and interference effects for localized superconducting states in strong magnetic field
- A. Shcherbakowa (KIT)
Dispersive Readout of Flux Qubit Fabricated in KIT
- A. Sheyerman (IRE RAS)
Superconducting Heterostructure with Hybrid Magnetic Interlayer
- A. Shtyk (Landau ITP)
- K. Shulga (MIPT)
- O. Skryabina ()
- A. Sokolik (Inst. of Spectroscopy)
Electron-hole Cooper pairing in thin film of topological insulator
- V. Stolyarov ()
- L. Tagirov (Kazan Fed. Univ.)
Manifestations of the long-range triplet pairing in superconductor-ferromagnet proximity heterostructures - theory versus experiment
- E. Tikhonov (ISSP RAS)
Shot noise measurement in a GaAs transistor
- O. Udalov (IPM RAS)
Current rectification in the artificial multilayer structure containing three magnetic layers with non-coplanar magnetization distribution
- V. Val'kov (Kirensky Inst. of Phys.)
Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in strong electron correlation systems with heavy fermions
- V. Vanovsky (MIPT)
- D. Vodolazov (IPM RAS)
Enhancement of the retrapping current of superconducting microbridges of finite length
- S. Zikirin (Inst. of Chem. Kinet. and Combus.)
EPR lanthanum manganite (La0,5Eu0,5)0,7Pb0,3MnO3